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Coaching is a very effective tool for personal success. The most successful people work usually with several coaches to extend their possibilities even more. Thanks to coaching people who are already doing well are doing better, feeling better and have more personal satisfaction.
But what about all those who cannot afford to have a coaching sessions?
What about all those who believe they don’t have much choice to change their lives?
What about all those who live in societies that are not open for change and are forced to follow a ‘traditional’ career?
What about those who suffer from discrimination?
What about persons in developing countries, with a passion for personal development, but whose parents don’t have the means to invest in their coaching education?
What about teenagers who have to work from a young age and haven’t been able to think about their dream job?


Coaching supports people to learn more about themselves and their possibilities. It gives chances for making necessary changes in careers, relationships and private life. It helps to deal with life’s obstacles and to be more in line with one’s true needs and aspirations. Coaching helps many professionals to improve their performance and achieve goals. Coaching also extends the personal perspective and helps people to think outside of the box by transforming their limiting beliefs and inspiring them to take action.
Unfortunately not everybody can afford coaching sessions. Those who would really benefit from coaching are usually in financial difficulties or don’t have access to coaches.
The Coaching Movie Foundation supports all those persons that for some reason don’t have access to coaching, nor the access to a happy and fulfilled life based on their own choices and achievements.
We would like to give hope to all those who don’t believe that they have a choice to change and to improve their destiny.

About us

The Coaching Movie Foundation is a non-profit organization that collaborates with coaching communities around the world to provide coaching services to people who cannot afford coaching or who don’t have access to coaching. The organization is supported by investors and funds to finance coaching sessions and by creating the right environment for coaching sessions to happen.


We believe that all people have a right to dream BIG dreams and can take the right actions to fulfill their dreams.

The Foundation assists low-income individuals with coaching assistance and support people to create their own destiny.

Example of a Story

This type of coaching testimonials are ideal for our movie blog

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The aim of the Coaching Movie Foundation is to:

  • Search for funds to sponsor coaching sessions and/or coach training for persons that cannot afford it
  • Collaborate with local coaching communities to choose coaches in line with the Foundation’s mission and vision
  • Help future generations to have a better start in life
  • Sponsor coach training programs for minorities, schools and people who cannot afford to realize their dreams

How You Can Support the Foundation?

Support the Foundation today by purchasing one of the Crowdfunding Perks below:

>> Click here to see more about our Crowdfunding Campaign

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