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Gabriela Puskas

Leadership & Business Coach; Speaker; Trainer Performance Group
Other EU Romania


Photo of Gabriela Puskas

Gabriela’s experience includes more than 24 years experience in the business management, where she gained first-hand experience. She offers management consultancy, coaching programs and training for leaders, managers and people at all organizational levels, helping them fulfill their potential and become transformational leaders. Her vision is a world which all life matters: sustainability is the core of what she does. Transformational leadership and management are at the heart oh her philosophy. Gabriela is deeply passionate about the ancient disciplines of Indian yoga system, culture & cuisine. She practices meditation, a modified system of raja yoga, tailor made for the human being of modern times. Gabriela’s philosophy: “The most important values in life for me are truth, freedom, courage, insight and desire to make a difference in the lives of others in society. My strong point is passion: passion for my profession, passion for people, and passion for life! I find it inspirational to see how people have the courage to discover more profound layers of their own selves, as they become aware of their own qualities, beliefs and desires.”