We started a major crowdfunding campaign in January 2015, and as a coach or expert you can still play a large part in it!
Our mission is to inspire 1,000,000 people to transform their lives through coaching.
By participating you can get clients referred to you, and get exposure to hundreds (maybe thousands) of persons getting to know your courses, books and tools.

Collaborate in our crowdfunding campaign to inspire 1 million lives!
You can go for one or both of these options:

Allow us to refer coaching clients to you:

Let us know with the form below if we can refer clients for a first 1 hour free coaching session with you in 2015. You get their contact details, and if they like their first free session they might sign up for more (paid sessions) with you.
>> Click here to send us your details

Send us a link to your free course/e-Book:

Send us via the form below a link to a course or e-book. We will include it in a package for all $10 supporters of our crowdfunding campaign. This is an excellent way to inspire new people about the benefits of coaching!
>> Click here to send us your links

Play an instrumental role in the success of the world’s first documentary about the coaching profession.

Backers of our crowdfunding campaign will contribute $75 for a coaching session or $10 for the package of courses/books. All funds go to support the movie creation.
You support this campaign by giving free sessions/gifts and attract new clients along the way.
>> Click here to see how your course/eBook or coaching session will be available for backers of our crowdfunding campaign.

>> Click here to see the list of gifts that is being offered until now

Add your gift to this list by completing the form below!

Collaborate in our Crowdfunding Campaign:

    First Name:*

    Last Name:*


    +(country code) xxx xxx xxxx



    Choose one or both options to collaborate:

    Option 1 – Can we refer coaching clients to you?

    If so, check the appropriate boxes below :
    Yes, please send me coaching clients! I’ll give them a FREE 1 hour Skype/phone coaching session between April-June 2015.

    These are the types of coaching I can provide to the clients you to refer to me:

    Executive CoachingBusiness CoachingLife CoachingRelationship Coaching Other:

    How many clients may we send to you?

    Choose the amount of 1 hour free Skype/phone coaching sessions you can do between April-June 2015:

    Option 2 – Send us a link to your free course/book:

    Send us one or more (download) links to a course, online training login or book you created. All $10 supporters of the crowdfunding campaign (hundreds, maybe thousands of people interested in coaching) will get your free promotional material.

    Note: Please give us something special to give away. Make it a valuable gift, something that is NOT available yet for free publicly on your website.

    Copy-paste below (one or more) free access links downloads pages that we can send to our backers:

    What is a 1 sentence description of your course/book?
    For example: “Book Title” eBook by Firstname Lastname or “How to be more confident” Online Course by Firstname Lastname

    What is the approximate value of your gift? If people would purchase it, how much would they pay?
    For example: $49